As you grow up, all the happiness, innocence and cheerful life that you have experienced in your childhood slowly subsides. There begins a new phase of life – the Teen age. This is the turning point where a child starts experiencing a sudden bump in the life. A fight for the survival and wins that is necessary to give a strong hold in their lives gears up from this stage of life.
We all face stress and it is a normal part of our daily life but the stress faced by the teens is somewhat different from the stress adults’ use to experience. It is simply because they are in the transitional period where they are moving from childhood to adolescence. There can be several minor and major factors that causes teen stress but the most common factors can be identified as the body and mind transition, sudden burden of life and the relationships.
• Body and mind transition
Teens, unlike a child or an adult, experience several physical changes that may or not be going along with the changes other teens in their school and class is experiencing. Along with this, they may face a lot of conflicting things that frustrates and depressed them. They may feel they are not able to become what they want to be. This causes mental stress to the teenagers and sometimes can even lead to serious issues.
• Sudden burden of life
While a person reaches to their teen age, it becomes clearer to them about their own expectations and their parents expectations which pressurize them from inside. They will be in need to earn extra income but they may find the schedule too tight, they will want to mingle up with friends of their choice but fail to fit in there, or they will feel pushed or pulled by several factors like priorities and weak middle school records. They are unable to decide on the importance of a particular subject matter leading to stress that may affect their mind in the long term.
• Relationships
We cannot guarantee that every individual has a good relationship with the people around them. If a person in their teen is staying with parents who are alcoholic and fights regularly or divorce, there is high chance that the teenager suffers from stress. Family problems like severe financial issues or illness also lead to stress. Physical or mental abuse from their parents and relatives strongly supports in increasing the stress level to the teens.
It is always possible to reduce the stress from the mind of the teens. But while adopting the stress relief techniques, we should not forget the developing minds and emotions of the teens. Encouraging them and advising them with tenderness and care is vital while dealing with teen stress. Just let them know that you are there to help them, to love and to care. Give them enough space and just remember nothing is more than the touch of love.